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On Your Way to Becoming the Bank!

Passive & Experienced

Appreciates freedom Abundance mindset Wealthy Capable Vision-oriented Seeking a trusted team Ready to break the mold

Your Quiz Results Describe You As: Passive and Experienced

This isn’t your first time around the cul-de-sac, and since you’ve likely seen many investment opportunities come across your desk, you already know that the one that is the best real estate deal is the one that takes the least amount of your time but generates the most amount of cash. Plain and simple.

Guess what – you know what it takes. You have what it takes. And…frankly, you already know it. You’re a rare bird!
This means you have the DNA of a passive investor! And you’ve probably already been doing your share of passive investing.

You’ve actually “made money in your sleep” before, but you’ve probably also lost some in your sleep too! But you’re here, which means you came out on top!

Learn more about your investment style below

What you’re bringing to the table

What makes you different from many passive investors is that even though you don’t want to be in the day-to-day operations of handling the money or investments, you do care how your money is being used in the world. Most people are just looking for the quickest path to cash, and while you love a good efficient deal, you also like doing good work in the world.

What’s next for you

You likely already have an idea of your ideal real estate deal. It’s different for everyone. Many people think that a great deal is just about their return on investment, but it’s more complex than that — Do you care what cause your money supports? Do you want monthly checks and payouts? How important is liquidity?

It is possible to have options that suit you that are packaged and brought right to your doorstep. There are even cash-flow with profit-sharing models that you can invest in passively. With these, you still use the same gut-sense that’s gotten you to this point, but they maximize the possibility for you to experience greater returns on your investments. What you need now is a plan tailored to your vision and values; for cash-flow and beyond.

Where to start

Watch this video to learn 3 of the most common mistakes investors often make (even if they’re experienced) when they’re about to play a bigger game.

Play Video

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Some respect from Tom

I have immense respect for the diverse experience you’ve likely accrued to this point; I want to take a full stop and appreciate your success. Full-Stop. Now, it’s time to play even bigger… and with more ease. Many experienced passive investors still aren’t aware how profit-sharing can actually generate more cash – and do good in the world.

Let’s get going on the path to even greener pastures,

Tom Braegelmann

Welcome to "Be the Bank: Unlocking the Power of Private Money Lending" – your ultimate guide to transforming your financial future.