Strong-Finisher Competent & Capable Trustworthy Ambitious Well-Connected
Your Quiz Results Describe You As: Active & Experienced
If you’ve made it this far, you’ve got some real grit! You and your investments are battle-tested. No matter if they were as lucrative as you would have wanted or not, the fact of the matter is that you’re here because you’re looking to enhance your skills, your deal-vetting knowledge, and your ability to turn your time into piles of cash. You probably have also run into one of the most challenging parts of this whole process—raising capital.
Guess what? You’ve got the make-up of an experienced ACTIVE investor.
With the foundational know-how and traction behind your work, this isn’t your first time around the cul-de-sac. Now, you’re ready to bring your investments to the next level.
Learn more about your investment style below
You know a good deal when you see it. But, what’s even more rare is the wherewithal you have to see it through to fruition. This means you have the skills and follow-through to generate a solid return on your investment. You have a great foundation to leverage private money and make it work harder for you.
The next best step for you is to learn to sharpen your saw. Not literally. You sure are going to enhance your edge though! You already have the baseline skills to find, own, and operate real estate investments. Now, it’s time to niche down and maximize your ROI by knowing what to look for to generate tested, quality investments that are aligned to your goals, values, and vision for life—this could mean exploring new deal structures and learning how to shore-up your investments from all angles. What this could also mean is the know-how to acquiring access to a reliable capital source so you can move on real estate deals quickly.
Like you, I started as an Active Investor. The buzz and adrenaline of my first deal kept me going for a lifetime. It gave me the endurance power I needed to get me through the tough times. But, you know what would have saved me a ton of mistakes and made me a lot more money? Expert know-how and a step-by-step guidebook. This is the reason I wrote Mastering Real Estate Investing with Private Money. It’s the guidebook I always wanted but never had. You can grab it on amazon or audible. Let me know what you think!
If you’re ready to switch lanes and become a passive investor or explore what that could look like, check out this video — In addition to letting you know about new ways to invest, I review 3 pitfalls where even the most seasoned active investors fail and how to avoid them.
Ground Breaking Flips and Great Deals!
You know you have what it takes. The hardest part is over. Now it’s time to play bigger and experience the support of a team who gets it and knows what it’s like.
100% behind ya!
Tom Braegelman